Again I had a rather crazy stressful week so I'm gonna make this post super short. It seems my hilarity is waning. Its almost as if I used up the last of my funniness on the sex post and I have nothing to write about that's funny anymore. I guess I'll talk about music because it's fairly easy. I guess the big myth about guys and music is whether or not a certain genre of music is too girly.
So first lets see what society defines as guys music. Obviously you have your heavy medal and death medal. It's aggressive and loud. It's kind of war like and violent which is what guys are supposed to be like. Then you have your hardcore hiphop and rap. These are the most "masculinized" off all the genres of music just because lots of rap music talks about stereotypical guy things like fucking and killing. They tend to be kind of offensive to women and talk about fighting. I would say those are what society would term as "guy music." I know there are girls that listen to this kind of music as well but they are considered a bit strange according to society. Now of course this is completely untrue and unfair because people should be allowed listen to whatever kind of music they want. However you can't tell me that you never raised your eyebrows when you saw a sweet looking girl walking by you and you realize shes listening to german death metal.
The next kind set is the neutral music genres. These are genres that are socially acceptable for both men and women to listen to without either looking to masculine or feminine. These are genres like country, acoustic, punk, alternative ect. These genres don't have a specific gender specification that looks bad. They tend to talk about topics that are common to both men and women. They tend to be least offensive but they talk about topics like sex and drugs still that can rub people the wrong way. Still they don't discriminate based on gender but can on other things (like race... country).
Finally weget to the music i would term girly. These are songs that are popular on teen radio like Katy Perry. Then you have your show tunes and Disney sing-a-long tracks. In my opinion these can be listened to by anybody male or female and unless they talk abut pink ribbon rainbows and cute boys then guys your free to listen to them. Taylor Swift however I'm sorry is an automatic man card revocation. Not only is she a bad singer but her songs are full of teenage girl angst. Lets leave that to the ladies shall we?
Hahaha then consider my man card revoked I guess. I love me some Taylor Swift. Me and my friends at home and even here sometimes celebrate Taylor Swift Tuesdays every once in a while, and I have a poster of her over my bed. I kind of see where you're coming from... but she's my girl.
ReplyDeleteHahah me too Mike. Tswift has definitely got some good songs, and come on man you got to love Thank God it’s Friday by Katy Perry. To be honest I don't really care much for music. The main thing I listen for is a good beat, so that I can keep a steady pace while running or walking. Occasionally I do like songs because they are catchy, but in the end I always get bored of them. Music isn't really my thing, but I definitely have to respect Tswift and Katy Perry hah
ReplyDeleteI don't think there should be any specific gender roles when it comes to music. I don't particularly like Taylor Swift, but I know some of her songs and will damn surely sing along to them if they come onto the radio. I even like artists like Josh Groban, who isn't only stereotypically for women, but for women in their 40s at the earliest. I find his voice incredible though. The two things I value over anything in music are creativity and talent. Someone who is doing something completely different from anyone else immediately has my respect, even if I don't like them (an example of this is anything Chris Cornell does, because his voice is so unique, but I also enjoy his music). And someone who is clearly talented and has worked for years perfected their talent I will give a listen to (Josh Groban is the best example of this). I think saying any music is girly is placing an unnecessary limit on what people should listen to.