Wednesday, March 14, 2012


           Well I have finally decided to traverse the topic that everyone was waiting for: sex! That's right I'm going to tell a real guys view of sex. And what I say will surprise you. Needless to say you will most likely read this entire blog because by the nature of our society we enjoy sex and all things related to it.  I guess that's good for the viewer ratings. Just hope I don't get some creepo looking up porn commenting what he's going to do later...Pervert. So this is probably a bad idea. Before I start I want to say that for anybody who is interested in writing a blog post on sex and is looking for pictures to add to that blog, typing sex into Google images is a very bad idea... that being said.
only partially true... the toilet aiming cell is much smaller and
the TV remote control thing takes up more than sex
           In my opinion there is no greater myth surrounding men than our pathological need for sex. It irritates the hell out of me to watch TV and always see men being these horny being that are controlled by sex.  Likewise I hate seeing how its only men who want sex. As all you ladies know men aren't the only ones after sex: women want it just as much if not more (at certain times of the month). Now I know this is an uncomfortable subject for lots of people. I'm not expecting lots of positive responses and actually I have a feeling my professor will most likely be speaking to me after he reads this but oh well... as anyone who has read my blogs before will know I'm not one to sensor my writing so why should I on this monumental edition. Well here goes!
            Well the first thing I want to bust is the myth that annoys me the most. Men do not have sex on their mind all day every day, or at least no more than women do. Yes sex is a big deal but that is just our natural instincts telling us to procreate. Women feel it too. You have to realize though that men can and will go without sex if they have too. We're not incapable. I'm getting quite sick of this idea that men are unable to control themselves when it comes to sex, as if we're unable to function without it.  It is just our culture that pushes it upon us. Men in our society today are expected to ave sex by the time they get to college if not earlier.  And those who haven't are looked down upon and often made fun of. But newsflash people: having sex doesn't make you a man despite what the movies say.
            Now I know shocking; I'm a college student and I'm sex isn't everything! Well if that's what your thinking then you're just proving my point. We've been taught since even before high school by the movies, TV and other media sources that we need sex and have to have it. Now don't get me wrong, I'm no crazed conservative that believes that sex should be strictly for the procreation of children within a marriage.  On the contrary I feel that is archaic and stupid. I'm for birth control and all that as well. However I do have a bit of a problem with the idea that sex is emotionless, which brings us to our next myth: not all men see sex as a mindless emotionless way to get off.
            Call me old fashion but I feel sex should be given to people you care for deeply and not at will. and this is a view point that has gotten me ridiculed greatly, especially my senior year and high school. I gave up having sex because my girlfriend is one of those girls that believes one's virginity is a valuable thing not to be given lightly. And believe it or not i respect that because I love her.  She is someone I care deeply for and would happily have sex with. But I have chosen to respect her boundaries because their are more important things in a relationship.  Like her I don't have sex with random people. The women I have sex with I create a bond with before hand. I respect women and feel that to just fuck and chuck is one of the greatest insults you can do to a woman. It's as if you are saying you are no more than a tool to get off with. There are many women that are this way with guys. I guess my point is that it doesn't matter if your male or female your opinion of sex and who you have it with is up to you and how you were raised. So all those guys out there who sleep around with everyone... yeah your actually just a huge dick who has no sense of real self and would rather conform to the social norm than make any real decisions...
           Wow sorry bout that. Those guys always annoyed me in high school. Anyway. So time for myth three. So the one where guys are selfish and would rather feel pleasure themselves then make the woman orgasm: BUUUUULL SHIT! BUUUUUULL SHIT!!! This is about to get awkward up in here but for me personally making my girl go crazy it sooooo much more stimulating than just her letting me use her body to get off. And I would be highly surprised if no other guy felt the same way. Sex is a two way street and it should be shared not given. This ties in partially with the love thing I said before. If you love someone you want them to feel as good as you, so it stands to reason that during sex you find pleasure in their pleasure right? I enjoy hearing my girlfriend saying she likes what I'm doing or that it feels good. Not only does it get me going but I also know that because she love me she will reciprocate. The media would like us to think that sex is for personal pleasure but I beg to differ. Sex is 2 parts physical, 1 part mental as far as I'm concerned. A big part of that mental area of sex is taking pleasure in your partener's pleasure.
Mclovin get it in
(courtesy Sony Pictures [USA])
            Sooooo now time to get really awkward: What do guys like? I went around and asked my guy friends from both here and home as well as some girls I know what they have been told. So just to let you know many of these are not necessarily my opinions. To begin I want to stress again that sex is not completely physical. A guy believe it or not does have to get into the mood. Biologically it is much easier for most men than most women, but it still takes some work. Often being in the proximity of of a woman that he finds attractive will get a guy going. If you indicate you want it that usually does the trick too. Guys like to be teased but too a degree. Tease to little the guy won't be quite as engaged because you didn't give him enough to time to rev up. To long and you risk him either losing interest or being to rough and hurting you. What women have to realize is that it is very difficult for a man to control himself when he gets into a sexual state. The testosterone flows through his body in enormous amounts and blocks out other emotion causing hormones from getting to the brain.  They literally become drunk with passion and can't think straight. It can even effect our senses which become heightened. This is because testosterone doesn't just control our sexual readiness it also is we use when we fight. This can make men highly aggressive and is usually the cause of rapes. It's why rape is more commonly committed by men than women.  But I want to say this. Just because it is difficult for men to control themselves it is not impossible and can and should be exhibited. In other words it's no excuse.
love the kids face
           So what else to guys like. Guys like closeness but they like contact as well.  The more places you touch a man the better it will feel for him.  Again awkward but while missionary position is considered girly many guys like it because it gives them the physical contact other positions might not. Now for all those girls wondering why guys are so interested in your... shall we say.. "girl parts."  Simple: we don't have them and our society has named them taboo. In many cultures such as the nomadic tribes of Africa, or Tribes of Native Americans in the Amazon, women walk around topless and it doesn't really turn men on. Again its a mental thing. according to western civilization boobs are bad (my left ass cheek they are). As far as your vagina goes its the same sort of thing. we don't have them. Also they are our main source of pleasure. Biologically that's where our body wants to put our penis so it stands to reason that we would like them. As far as a girls ass I really have no explanation: we just reeeeeeeeeeeeeally like them :D
            So I guess if you have read this far you weren't put off by the awkward comments which is good. This is just the tip of the.... there are so many more things I could write about referring to sex. I really want to hear your questions or responses. I know mostly not many people feel comfortable talking about this. I also know that many people don't really know how they feel about sex. It's not something you grew up experiencing. Its something you had to figure out on your own. If any guys have anything to say about this i urge you to add it. And if you girls have any comments or questions about how guys view sex I would love to answer them. This stuff doesn't ,make me uncomfortable and I think its good to talk about. hope you enjoyed my short overview on sex and if your just some perv looking to get one off, I'm actually quite surprised you read this far and hope you are rethinking your life choices... because jacking off to a crappy block about dudes is both pathetic and highly strange.

Next week...


  1. Nice work there buddy. Very ballsy. I think you bring up some damn good points. Like it's crazy annoying when guys get blamed for stuff or passed off as just wanting sex. I definitely think this is interesting though, mostly because, like you, I want to see what girls think (and I can't believe you actually did it haha)

  2. hahah i love this and cant wait to see what other people have to say as well. but this was actually a really interesting topic to write about because society really has pegged men as pigs when it comes to sex. its nice to know that you actually arent haha

  3. This was not only hugely entertaining, but completely true. Almost all guys get a bad reputation for the actions of those who cannot control themselves. And the ones who don't get this bad reputation are usually friendzoned. However, it really doesn't get any better once you find that girl that makes the effort to understand how you feel and sees the fact that all men are not how they are commonly portrayed. Good analysis and explanation.
