Thursday, April 19, 2012

How dudes sleep

The way that guys sleep is perhaps the most ridiculous thing you will ever see.  For you ladies that like to sleep over after sex or just have brothers who you used to share a room with you know exactly what I'm talking about. Guys love to sleep. Sleeping eating and pooping... and sex. Those are the four things that drive us. The ability to sleep is the reason we try to rush the day.  And then there are the actual sleeping habits of most men. First of all you have two types of sleepers: the ones that sleep with all the covers and the ones that sleep with none. If you are the kinda guy that sleeps with covers it sucks for you because chances are your woman is going to take them all. That was always my problem. My girlfriend would grab all the covers and i couldn't stay warm. It sucked. The other kind of who doesn't like covers tends to also be a twist and turner. The ones that constantly are moving in bed. That can really get annoying too.  The worst part about guys when they sleep is just the pure nastiness that they seem to contract. We fart our breath stinks and some guys even sweat in their sleep. Its really not a pretty sight to watch a man sleep. We usually have mouths open our tongues lolling out.. just not pretty.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Facebook Stalking

Well I'm sorry to say this is going to be a short and very sad entry this week. I just broke up with my girlfriend who i have been with for a couple years and my heart isn't really into it. So I guess I'll give a short speech on the "art" of Facebook stalking. Facebook Stalking is... well it's creepy no matter how you slice it. But we all do it. Guy, girl, child, Satan's spawn we all have delved into the that secret temptation to look at that cute girl on Facebook. But hey besides the creepiness it can actually be quite a useful tool. You meet someone knew you stalk their profile to see whether or not they are cool or some creepy rapist who will come into your room at night and...
Stalking someone on Facebook isn't necessarily a bad thing really until you get to addicted status. Once you start checking the same persons profile every day or are stalking everybody's profile that you can get to in a 3 hour sitting you have a problem. Also if you are searching through to look for nudies... yeah not good. they have whole websites devoted to that stuff. It's just creepy when your whacking off to a picture of someone you know...and pathetic. If you are really that interested in a girl just talk to her face to face.
The next type of Facebook creep is the wall poster. You ever have that guy who all they do is post on your wall. Like all the time. they like your comments or comment on a post you left. They are the guys who comment or like a pic of you from like 5 years back and you still thought long hair was cool. Most of the time its your mother but every once in a while you get the creepy guy/girl you hooked up with once. And they just keep doing it over and over and over and over until you want to reach through the screen and punch them in their creepy little face....
Sorry tangent my b.  Yeah those guys freak me the fuck out. I'm guessing  that girls don't find them very appealing either. So word to the wise gentlemen don't Facebook stalk and if you have to do it quickly and don't leave any trace that you were there.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Again I had a rather crazy stressful week so I'm gonna make this post super short. It seems my hilarity is waning. Its almost as if I used up the last of my funniness on the sex post and I have nothing to write about that's funny anymore. I guess I'll talk about music because it's fairly easy. I guess the big myth about guys and music is whether or not a certain genre of music is too girly.
So first lets see what society defines as guys music. Obviously you have your heavy medal and death medal. It's aggressive and loud. It's kind of war like and violent which is what guys are supposed to be like. Then you have your hardcore hiphop and rap. These are the most "masculinized" off all the genres of music just because lots of rap music talks about stereotypical guy things like fucking and killing. They tend to be kind of offensive to women and talk about fighting. I would say those are what society would term as "guy music."  I know there are girls that listen to this kind of music as well but they are considered a bit strange according to society. Now of course this is completely untrue and unfair because people should be allowed listen to whatever kind of music they want. However you can't tell me that you never raised your eyebrows when you saw a sweet looking girl walking by you and you realize shes listening to german death metal.
The next kind set is the neutral music genres. These are genres that are socially acceptable for both men and women to listen to without either looking to masculine or feminine.  These are genres like country, acoustic, punk, alternative ect. These genres don't have a specific gender specification that looks bad. They tend to talk about topics that are common to both men and women. They tend to be least offensive but they talk about topics like sex and drugs still that can rub people the wrong way. Still they don't discriminate based on gender but can on other things (like race... country).
Finally weget to the music i would term girly. These are songs that are popular on teen radio like Katy Perry. Then you have your show tunes and Disney sing-a-long tracks. In my opinion these can be listened to by anybody male or female and unless they talk abut pink ribbon rainbows and cute boys then guys your free to listen to them. Taylor Swift however I'm sorry is an automatic man card revocation. Not only is she a bad singer but her songs are full of teenage girl angst. Lets leave that to the ladies shall we?